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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever see the movie WAR GAMES decades ago with Matthew Broderick? Nuclear war was averted in that fantasy. Will it be averted in our reality?

Ever see the movie WAR GAMES decades ago with Matthew Broderick? Nuclear war was averted in that fantasy. Will it be averted in our reality?

Matt's character inadvertently triggered it and franticlaly tried to stop and did just in the nick of time.

Motormouth is inadvertent 24/7. He never knows what is going to come out of his mouth. So what happens if the mouth goes too far and someone takes him up on his wild threats of grandness and greatness and invincibility? What if someone CALLS HIS BLUFF? What then?

I know. All paths lead to Horning's Mills. Or perhaps y'all have already built your nuclear fallout shelters just in case the wackadoodle crackpot triggers WW3? Y'all are rich enough right?

Posted - November 8, 2019
