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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » He sez he means no disrespect then sez "it must SUCK to be that dumb". The "He"? Why the pro motormouth Senator Kennedy. What is he?

He sez he means no disrespect then sez "it must SUCK to be that dumb". The "He"? Why the pro motormouth Senator Kennedy. What is he?

HE IS THAT DUMB AND IT MUST SUCK! A southern gentleman above all who kisses the motormouth A** with no shame proving he is insane inane profane arcane. A great posterbaby for the mouth.

Wonder what the next motormouth fat old white man a**kisser will say about THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Nancy Pelosi,  WHO IS IN LINE FOR THE PRESIDENCY! How close d'ya think the dumba** fata** jacka** Kennedy will ever get to that? Exactly! He is as close to that as he will ever get as he shamelessly disgustingly kisses the butt of the mouth! Sheesh. Two old white fat men spouting off as if what they have to say is relevant? This is the BEST the GOP got folks. It ain't getting any better than that.

Posted - November 8, 2019
