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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Could you sell yourself? Could you go out and beg folks to vote for you and tell them if they didn't the consequences would be DIRE?

Could you sell yourself? Could you go out and beg folks to vote for you and tell them if they didn't the consequences would be DIRE?

I'm not good at begging. Please vote for me because if you don't the "other" will win and then the world will end and all he** will break loose and it will be all YOUR fault. Crap like that is what pols tell ya. Lots of time they say OR ELSE. Sheesh.

Seriously threatening people is not what I do best. I could never be in sales. Never ever. If I were I'd wait for folks to come to me and tell me they want to buy what I have to sell. Period. I'd either starve or make a bundle because of my oddball approach.

Posted - November 8, 2019


  • 6023
    Nope.  Not me.  I'd have to have a real issue to run for (or against).

    This election, we had a couple candidates running for City Council positions.
    Their entire platform seemed to be "the incumbents have been in the position too long, and we should retire them".
    No talk about issues or what they would do different.  Even though I asked them when they came knocking on my door.

    Candidate: "They've been there too long.  We should let them retire.  It's time to get some new ideas."
    ME: "Oh, I wasn't aware they wanted to retire."
    Candidate: "Well, that's just a phrase."
    ME: "I see.  What ideas do you propose?"
    Candidate: "Well, I don't know what issues may come up yet.  But don't you agree we need a fresh perspective?"
    ME: "What you think is wrong with {the incumbent's} perspective?  What decisions do you disagree with?"
    Candidate: "Well, I don't have time to get into that today.  But I promise to listen to my constituents on the issues."

    Naturally, I didn't vote for either of those candidates.
      November 8, 2019 8:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    If I didn't  know you as well as I think I do  I'd think you were making that up Walt. But I believe you and what I wonder is how do they have the NERVE to go out asking for your vote when they don't have a clue what they are going to do that would be BETTER for you? Change is good no doubt if things ain't poifect! But change for its own sake with no plan or purpose other than to shake things up? Seriously. I have to read your reply again. The utter stupid dumb they brought to you is unfriggen'believable! Condolences but I expect my pols are no better than yours. I feel your pain. Thank you for your reply Walt! :)
      November 8, 2019 9:04 AM MST

  • 6023
    Do you also have one of those corners, where the candidate's supporters hold up signs?
    I think it's funny that there are different supporters on each corner ... and they ALL wave when a car honks.
    They have no idea who the car is honking to support, but they all assume it's their candidate.  LOL
      November 8, 2019 10:13 AM MST