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Trouble in Paradise between motormouth and liddglebillybarr? Doi you hear what I hear?

The toady sycophants in the GOP (all of them) have designated sacrificial "lambs" to throw under the bus to save the corpulant a** of motormouth. You can guess which right?

Mick of Mulvaney
Rudy of Giuliani
Mike of Pompousa**

Now liddlebillybarr is at odds with motormouth currently outwardly. Why? Well ya see motormouth equated him with the rudy of g and told the Ukraine president to contact either one with dirt on the Bidens. The liddlebillybarr has an ego and resents being lumped together with the tvlawyer rudy ofg. A schlock 3-rd rate reprobate if there ever were one. Ya see liddlebillybarr used to be someone.

It may only be 3 of the 4 above who are sacrificed. It could be more. Ya never know how desperate the toady sycophant GOP cowards are but you can rest assured WE WILL FIND OUT AND VERY SOON!

Posted - November 9, 2019
