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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The motormouth is FURIOUS with his peeps. He wants them to insist he did nothing wrong. Ya know why they can't?

The motormouth is FURIOUS with his peeps. He wants them to insist he did nothing wrong. Ya know why they can't?

Because he did wrong.

However all they CAN do is say sure he did wrong but you shouldn't impeach him for that.

That line of defense is causing the mouth to become UNHINGED even more than before. He insists he did nothing wrong.

They say he did but don't impeach him for it.

He demands they ignore
He insists they ignore
He implores begs crawls cries they ignore

He should shut up. It ain't gonna get any better than that. No one is going to nullify the FACTS the TRUTH

They will try to nullify smear "murder" the witnesses. When you don't have the facts on your side and folks ignore your mealymouth half-a**ed halfwit defense all that's left is to stage an enormous OFFENSIVE and slaughter anyone who gets in the way. That is the way of GOP you see. Slaughter the bas**rds. Ready aim fire.

Posted - November 9, 2019


  • 5391

    This goes to Trump’s obsession with absolute fealty. The insistence at every turn with Non-disclosure agreements for fear of public dissemination of what he doesn’t want heard. That there is so much of it  

    Looming ever-present in that static of senile derangement, even Mr Trump cannot dismiss that he is serially unethical, and will inevitably require armies of intellectually castrated sycophants to clean up and validate his endless iniquities. His deep insecurity cannot be sated.

    It still amuses and confounds me how 38 to 40-some% of people fail to admit or even recognize the machinations of a despot. 

      November 9, 2019 7:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    I know you saw that 62% figure DB. No matter what 62% of his peeps will stick with him and by him forever. NO MATTER WHAT? Which means what exactly? They are all braindead? I can't even almost imagine pledging that to ANY POLITICIAN WHO EVER LIVED. Can you? I think motormouth was a crackpot wackadoodle before he ran for prez. Nothing he has ever done is absent a crazy nutjob element. He was a punchline in New York and an object of ridicule for decades. No one who knew him took him seriously. That anyone does now is a mind-boggler! Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 9, 2019 7:35 AM MST

  • 5391
    It means 38% of that lot aren't entirely lost. 
      November 9, 2019 9:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    Very true at this moment. I think the adoration of the LIARMOUTH is a disease and I don't know if it is kickable. There can be massive relapses and well 100% of his devoted worshippers will stick with him WHICH IS STILL LESS THAN ENOUGH FOR A WIN unless the antidons stay home in which case we're over and done! Thank you for your reply DB and Happy Sunday to thee! :)
      November 10, 2019 10:40 AM MST