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Density breeds insensitivity. Think brick wall witnessing a chld fall. The brick wall doesn't care. Some people are bricks. You?

Posted - November 9, 2019


  • 19937
    No, I'm not a brick.  I am very concerned for the welfare of children, the aged and the infirm.  As a society, we are morally mandated to care for those who cannot care for themselves.  

    As for immigrants wanting to come to the the U.S., I am not opposed so long as they do it legally and follow the rules.  As great a nation as we are, we just cannot absorb thousands and thousands of people, especially those who have no or little education or skill to become employed and self-sufficient.  You can see that there are those who are born here that we cannot care for - the mentally ill and the homeless.  
      November 9, 2019 8:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful answr L. I'm first generation American. I expect you aren't. That your family has been here far longer. My people came through Ellis Island and so I am closer to immigration than those whose famlies have been here for generation. My people fled genocide. If America had quoted up and not taken them I don't know what would have become of them. So I may look at these things a bit differently. In fact I'm gonna ask.
      November 9, 2019 9:01 AM MST

  • 19937
    I am second generation on my father's side and third generation on my mother's.  Fortunately, none of my family were caught up in the Holocaust.  My paternal grandfather came here while it was still easy to get out of Poland and my paternal grandmother came here from Russia.  The organization my grandfather belonged to from the "old country" was responsible for bringing my grandmother here along with a number of others trying to escape the pogroms.  That was how they met and ultimately married.  

    Yes, I recall you saying your people were escaping the genocide and I do realize that if America had not taken in those immigrants, they would have perished.  But, as you stated, they came here through Ellis Island which means they came here legally.  I don't begrudge people leaving horrific conditions to make a better life for themselves here, but they must do it the right way.  They cannot just swarm the border.
      November 9, 2019 9:17 AM MST