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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I thought PAY IT FORWARD was a very good thing. Meaning when you are treated kindly you treat others kindly. NOT ALWAYS. WHY?

I thought PAY IT FORWARD was a very good thing. Meaning when you are treated kindly you treat others kindly. NOT ALWAYS. WHY?

Allegedly African Americans are not fans of the LGBTQ community. Which I think is queerly peculiarly bizarre. As a group African Americans have been treated tragically for many centuries on many continents simply for being whom they are. So they pass that forward? Seriously? They are the objects of hate for no reason except skin color. So they hate others for no reason except whom they love? How does that make any sense at all?

First of all IF YOU MUST GET BACK AT you should be "getting back at" those who have done you harm not those who haven't. If "getting back at" is to be of any use. You smack down the person who smacked you down. Not a complete stranger. That is what crackpot wackadoodles do.

Does it make them feel good just to strike out at anyone? Does it mitigate the pain and humiliation of being attacked just because of whom they are? So they attack others who are totally innocent and somehow it balances things out? Others who have done nothing to warrant it? I don't get it. Makes no sense. Maybe because it is nonsense.

Posted - November 10, 2019
