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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You lie to Congress UNDER OATH and you are in very deep sh**! Do it again and you spend the rest of your life in prison. Deterrent?

You lie to Congress UNDER OATH and you are in very deep sh**! Do it again and you spend the rest of your life in prison. Deterrent?

I think you lie to Congress the first time and you are among the most stupid braindead homo saps alive. Do it again? Life in prison without any chance at parole. ENFORCED WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

Now the compulsive liars like the mouth will never tesitfy under oath because it would be a waste of time. Everyone knows that. Everyone sez so. The mouth will be imprisoned for everything else he done. Lying is the least of his corrupt criminal TREASONOUS activities. Being a traitor and the lapdog puppet of Putin is at the top. Selling out his country without thinking twice about it. I wish he were only a compulsive liar and not the evildoer he has turned out to be. That we could live with. But what he has done to the patriots and the country for the time he has had complete control? GOD help us all. GOD have pity on us. GOD deliver us from evil. Better yet deliver evil unto the devil and wash YOUR hands of the mouth forever.

Posted - November 10, 2019
