Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The search for TRUTH will always have opponents who want to crush it stomp it kill it. Is TRUTH the most frightening thing liars confront?

The search for TRUTH will always have opponents who want to crush it stomp it kill it. Is TRUTH the most frightening thing liars confront?

Motormouth impeachment hearings...Search for Truth

GOP ATTACK DOGS opposing it will try to turn the sober serious hearings into a comedy show ya know

So well then both are inevitable and we won't know which goal is achieved until it's over

Could you ever imagine so much angst and fear about finding TRUTH

Or so much vicious fighting to kill it before it draws its first breath

Truth seekers win no matter what
Truth killers lose no matter what

Short-term gains aside and temporary victories. It's the LONG HAUL that counts for all y'all. Remember back in the day before you fell in love with  LIAR mouth how you too sought truth?

Posted - November 10, 2019
