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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly Congressional Dems have submitted 250 bills to Moscow Mitch who has let them sit. Do-nothing Senate?

Allegedly Congressional Dems have submitted 250 bills to Moscow Mitch who has let them sit. Do-nothing Senate?

Nope. All they ever do is CONFIRM extreme right-wing conservative Populist Nationalist Isolationist RACISTS to every bench they can get them on. A bazillion so far and counting. That's all they ever do. No time to do anything else. Gotta LARD the bench gotta RIG the systems gotta stack the deck every minit of every day in every old way they can. So much to lard and rig and so little time. Ain't they divine though? Thanks Moscow. Keep er up.

Posted - November 10, 2019


  • 34760
    This is the game. The minority party passes stuff they know has not chance. GOP passes nearly 400 bills in the House when Sen was Dems. Knowing they were DOA. 

    Just part of the game. 
    You want to know what they want done....look at what they passed when they had House and Filibuster proof Senate. We got Obamacare. Nothing else. So the rest is a game. 
      November 10, 2019 9:28 AM MST