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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Whenever an ex-employee BADMOUTHS a company we are told "DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE" as if what the persons says is untrue. True?

Whenever an ex-employee BADMOUTHS a company we are told "DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE" as if what the persons says is untrue. True?

What else is the company gonna say? "He/she is right we are scumbags and liars and thieves and cheaters and hoors"? Of course not. Like all perps who get outed they attack the victim to smear and malign and denigrate because that's all they got in the weapon cabinet. Truth is killing them so they divert insult lie.

Which is the lead up to this.

Former Republican Congressman from Florida David Jolly did a very in-depth riff on the Republican Party.
Every time he is announced as party of a panel he insists he is presented as FORMER Republican now Independent.

Too much meat to repeat it verbatim but among the things he says they are spinelss rotten to the core without virtur or any level of human integrity. Republicans lack courate and morality and and and and and.

What is his CARROT? What can he possibly hope to gain from all of this?

Oh I don't know. Maybe he is so disappointed in what the Republican Party USED to represent...used to be...a party that he was proud to be a member of....has disappeared. He does not recognize it now and is appalled angered and disgusted.

How many former Republicans are appalled angered and disgusted? More than one I betcha.

Posted - November 11, 2019
