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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When caught in a lie you admit it. That's better than denying it. What's even better?

When caught in a lie you admit it. That's better than denying it. What's even better?

Don't lie. DUH. The liars who don't get that are really dumb.

Posted - November 11, 2019


  • 46117
    Well, you asked WHEN.  So Not doing the when makes it null and void.  

    So this question is moot now.  

    How can I answer?

    Can you imagine just ONE of those GOP morons in the Senate TELLING THE TRUTH?  And how long they would remain Senators?  They are bred to lie. They have so many walls built  up in their lying heads about how it is for the good of those who do not know the REAL ISSUE, that they believe their lies. They THINK THEY ARE SOLDIERS braving the truth as they see it and protecting the little fools who dance and sing to the songs of the SENATOR AND THE SENATE as the last word.  

    This is what these masters of LIES and DECEIT actually THINK.  They think all the guilt and shame that they stuff down into their guts are products of Hard WORK that other people of lesser intellect and stamina could not ever endure, and THAT is why they are entitled to a bigger piece of the PIE that we all should share equally.  

    They lie cheat and steal because they work so hard for us and we don't appreciate it.

    Yes. Rosie.  I am being sarcastic.  You bet. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 11, 2019 7:26 AM MST
      November 11, 2019 7:21 AM MST