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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Anyone with a brain knows if the mouth were INNOCENT he'd be ENCOURAGING his peeps to testify HONESTLY. RIght?

Anyone with a brain knows if the mouth were INNOCENT he'd be ENCOURAGING his peeps to testify HONESTLY. RIght?

All the noise blather palaver bullsh** crap is doing nothing but shining a light on how guilty he is how much he has to hide and how TERRIFIED he is.

Don't believe a word said otherwise elsewise sidewise countersidewise. IT IS LOGICAL to want the truth to come out is it not if you are INNOCENT of all charges?. It is equally logical to be desperate to HIDE the truth if the truth won't set you free but will imprison you for life is it not?

Thus therefore to whit all the crackpot wackadoodle peeps are fighting so hard to deny that the truth be allowed to come out by attacking lying about and undermining anyone who dares to Testify UNDER OATH.

There is no other possible scenario that any LOGICAL NORMAL HONEST person will support. Hear the noise? Listen to the chaos? More bullsh** via the terrified who have no clue what they will do if the mouth is  booted from office and bounced and drop-kicked to face charges for high crimes and misdemeanors. So they embarrass themselves and demean themselves and denigrate themselves and humiliate themselves thus exacerbating their very dire predicament. Shut up back off stay silent go invisible. All this noise is not helping any of you. Really it isn't. Why you don't know that I can't understand. The ship is sinking fast. You are now all getting wet. Can you guess what comes next?

Posted - November 11, 2019
