It gives us wisdom. We can assess all the other "choices" you posed in your question, know we have lived through all of them and weigh and balance the measure of what they all mean.
In otherwords, you learn that experience is the best teacher.
It would be superduper if that were true. What wisdom does the dementia don or any of his cabal et al exhibit? None at all. No one who who supports dementia don is "wise". They are foolish or terrified. No in-between. In my opinion. None of them are regular normal typical sane logical adults. They have all been spirited away to dementia donland and there they stay every day. In my opinion. Thank you for our reply Sharon. One hopes wisdom is a benefit of getting older. Sometimes it isn't wisdom but foolishness that is the residue of living long.
This post was edited by RosieG at November 12, 2019 11:58 AM MST
Aristotle said that the mind is a machine for coming to conclusions.
I find that with regard to the things I have decided are true and correct that I apply them with an appropriate texture that reflects the individual situation.
In similar fashion, what I judge to be true I advocate with a certain inflexibility, and I have little tolerance for those I consider foolish.
And I hope that I limit my opinions to those things I understand rather than those things that I have little insight into---so I try to be right or be quiet.