Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Typical dementia don FAKE. Mina Chang, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State FAKED a resume and TIME MAGAZINE COVER to get the job. Surprise?

Typical dementia don FAKE. Mina Chang, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State FAKED a resume and TIME MAGAZINE COVER to get the job. Surprise?

Said she was a Graduate of Harvard. She isn't.

Faked a Time Magazine cover and pretended it was real.

She was not vetted. She was pretty and cute and adorable and "accomplished" so she was hired.

Moke fakery and spin and bullsh** because Americans are so dumb that is what they have become used to accepting. Sex, Lies and Videotape coming up. I wonder if there are any closet PORN STARS working in high places in the dementia don gubment? How can it get any worse? Trust me it can and will and has.

Your prez. What can I say. Y'all done so good.

Posted - November 12, 2019
