All the physicists get so excited about a new discovery. A bit here another bit there a microscopic piece here. A massive puzzle with an unknown number of pieces that physicists spend their entire lives trying make sense of. Do you think a day will come when phsycists know everything they need to know? They don't you know. There are some things they discover that they do not understand but keep hoping they will.
How something can come out of nothing. What existed before the BIG BANG. What will exist after everything we know disappears? With every temporary answer more questions arise. A constant quest to find the answers to seemingly unanswerable questions. Why are we here? What is our purpose? Is there an after-life? What existed before existence? What was the catalyst? How can so much have come from a tiny tiny tiny thing? Matter evolved from energy but where did energy come from? If energy changes into matter can it change back again into energy?
There is more matter than anti-matter. They collide and blow each other up. All the time somewhere out there. There is dark matter which is or is not our friend? How will it all end? Will it ever end? Is all of this just an enormous reality show for other beings out there somewhere who place bets on us to win or lose and have a jolly good laugh at our expense because as a species we are so wanting.
Do we know just so much and no more because all of that is in the control of unknown puppetmasters?
Who is writing the script? Are we just cogs that think we are in control but really aren't, never were and never will be? Do YOU know?