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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How many cases of liptstick did the dementia don cabal et al purchase to beautify the pig? Think it's gonna work?

How many cases of liptstick did the dementia don cabal et al purchase to beautify the pig? Think it's gonna work?

No matter how many layers of lipstick you put on pig it is still a pig. The ONLY thing you can possibly do is have drastic immediate plastic surgery and change pig to Sara Palin or Mina Chang(the fake resume fake Time magazine dementia don employee all over the news for her blatant lies) or Melania Trump or any one of the dementia don's sexmates. They won't need much lipstick.

Now who are the ones designated to lipstickate the pig? The attack dogs like liddle jimmy jordan and mighty markie meadows and lovely lindsay graham and all the other butt suckers who will lie and die for dementia don and be proud to do so.

Gonna be great fun watching and listening. Trying to unpigify a pig is a gargantuan gig. Never been attempted before on such a grand scale. Depigify unpigify nullify reinvent reconfigure. Lotsa work ahead! Get ready get set GO!

Posted - November 13, 2019
