Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » An unknown which political party someone said the below stated. Wishful thinking or distinct possibility?

An unknown which political party someone said the below stated. Wishful thinking or distinct possibility?

He said after the House has completed hearing all the testimony vis a vis the dementia don IMPEACHMENT hearings and the Senate gets it next to debate advise consent or dissent that his Senate colleagues will treat it very seriously and do the right thing.

He said if in fact all the evidence shows the dementia don did done done high crimes and misdemeanors and the Senators REFUSE to impeach him then we will know it is okay for any president futurely to commit high crimes and misdemeanors and no one will ever try to stop him. Or words to that effect.

Well of course the Senator toady sycophants think whatever crimes dementia don commits are not crimes at all because he gets to do whatever the he** he wants to do because the fake AG liddlebillybarr waives all legalities so that dementia don will never be guilty of anything ever at all forever after. DUH! Do you SERIOUSLY believe any Senators on the dementia don team will vote to impeach? None of them have a spine. None of them are brave enough to do the right thing. They are all TERRIFIED of dementia don and his base so bigly that they would rather die and let their families die than do anything against him. Well mebbe not.

Posted - November 13, 2019
