Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you think holders of any job should respect it? Why?

Do you think holders of any job should respect it? Why?

I respect every job I've ever had and always tried my best to do it well.

Do you think dementia don RESPECTS the office of president?

Posted - November 13, 2019


  • 46117
    He thinks the office of President is lucky to have him.  That is how grandiose and out of touch his demented thoughts are.

    Really HUUUGE and VACANT thoughts.  
      November 13, 2019 10:46 AM MST

  • 113301
    The dementia don shows no respect for anyone or anything so why should he make an exception and respect the office of the president? He has tainted it with the stench of his corruption and venality forever I fear. We will have tent it and decontaminate it once we get his fata** out of the Oval office. What a revoltin' development dementia don is. A downer. A loser. A liar. A traitor. Some package! Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      November 14, 2019 2:06 AM MST

  • 46117
    What was Roger Stone's job?  
      November 13, 2019 11:09 AM MST

  • 113301
    I know he was the link to WIKILEAKS. Other than that I think he was another ADVISOR to dementia don. If he had any other title I am unaware of it. They were long-time cronies and apparently Roger Stone is a much in love with himself as dementia don is in love with himself. They share that bond. They love being in the spotlight all the time and want center stage all the time. Charlatans liars with enormous egos. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      November 14, 2019 2:04 AM MST