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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » According to dementia don and his adoring worshippers anyone who disagrees with him is a NEVERTRUMPER and should be disbelieved. Ya dig?

According to dementia don and his adoring worshippers anyone who disagrees with him is a NEVERTRUMPER and should be disbelieved. Ya dig?

One by one either dementia don or one of adoring worshippers or all of them all dismiss out of hand anyone anywhere for any reason who doesn't roll over and kiss the dementia don a**. Period. End of story. No exceptions. You see/hear that same old line repeatedly. The dementia don AND his pompousa** so-called secretary of state PULLED WILLIAM TAYLOR OUT OF RETIREMENT to replace the Ambassador to Ukraine who was unfairly maligned and removed because she stood in the way of the scandal scam that dementia don and his tv lawyer rudyg wanted to pull. .

AND NOW that William Taylor has done such a STERLING job testifying UNDER OATH to congress guess what dementia don and his adoring worshippers and his toady sycophants all say in unison? HE WAS ALWAYS A NEVERTRUMPER.

If true why in the he** did the half-a** jacka** dimwit dementia don AGREE to select him to replace anyone?

See that's HOW they roll folks. They love the he** outta ya when they think you are a pushover and the minute you show any spine or DIGNITY of HONESTY and tell the truth you are dead to them and a bum and they turn on you and attack you.

And they really think that's gonna work. Sheesh. And on they go with the dog and pony show. Their attacks are embarrassing. How DO you attack the truth?

Posted - November 14, 2019
