Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » As a FIRST GENERATION American I know if my parents were alive they'd be heartbroken about what has happened to their country. Yours too?

As a FIRST GENERATION American I know if my parents were alive they'd be heartbroken about what has happened to their country. Yours too?

They came to America because they believed in the words on the Statue of Liberty. They fled the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE at the hands of the Turks. Certain death awaited them in fact my great grandfather and greatgrandmother and Aunt Anne (who was two years old) DIED on a death march. They planned to get out but never made it. So they stayed and they died. This happens everywhere all the time and will keep happening everywhere all the time. Evil will never die. Only the people who are victims of it. My grandparents and parents became naturalized citizens and were VERY PROUD of being Americans. The current America is not my America and it would not be theirs. They would be APPALLED at how twisted and ugly it is now.
So their not being here to witness it is a blessing. Sad that.

Posted - November 14, 2019
