Putin Russia
Duterte Philippines
Erdogan Turkey
Kim North Korea
Assad Syria
Crown Prince Saudi Arabia
Netanyahu Israel (the net is a desperate wannabe hanging on by a thread I think. now or nevah?)
Whatever others there are out there who are extreme racist fascists..oh How's about good old Boris Johnson of the U.K.?
All the murdering leaders in Africa should be invited but well since dementia don prefers all white (the Saudi Prince isn't all white but he is obscenely rich which makes up for it) color scheme will be WHITE WHITE WHITE
The food will be served on 24K gold plates for sure and there will be imported everything the best of everything for the best people dementia don knows. The dementia don will spend a bazillion dollars to show off and impress them. Your tax dollars at work. All for y'all. Everything dementia don duz hasta be the most best most expensivist. After all it ain't his money it's yours. What the he** whatcha gonna do? Deny him? Seriously? When didja ever deny him anything? Exactly.'