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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is being humble antiquated/outdated? Is modesty dead? Isn't it ARROGANT for a presidential candidate to say WHEN I AM PRESIDENT?

Is being humble antiquated/outdated? Is modesty dead? Isn't it ARROGANT for a presidential candidate to say WHEN I AM PRESIDENT?

I'd rather hear "I want to be your president but I need your help and hope you will vote for me". What aboutchu? When is confidence presumptuous?

Posted - November 15, 2019


  • 10787
    You know, you have a point there.  That IS rather arrogant.  I remember when they used to say if I'm elected.  In fact, if memory serves, I have never heard any candidate say the word "hope" in regards to themselves (as in I hope you will vote for me).  

      November 15, 2019 9:13 AM MST

  • 113301
    Precosely. I think the line between confident and arrogant is getting fainter and fainter. The height of conceited a** is dementia don hands down. But all the Dem candidates are saying WHEN I AM PRESIDENT and I kinda dislike that a lot. Maybe inside their heads they see themselves as winners but they shouldn't advertise it like that. I don't know how many people react as I do to pompous a**es. Maybe I'm too demanding. I dunno Shuhak. I'd like to hear "I hope you will vote for me". Mebbe one day? Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 16, 2019 2:03 AM MST