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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dementia don defended himself for smearingly tweeting insulting things about Yovanovich WHILE SHE WAS TESTIFYING. Do you buy it?

The dementia don defended himself for smearingly tweeting insulting things about Yovanovich WHILE SHE WAS TESTIFYING. Do you buy it?

Personally I think it is an AWESOME GOOD THING that he does what he does how he does it and when he does it. Timing is everything you see and his timing is flawless. He is his own best saboteur underminer enemy. No one does it better than he does and so let him tweet and whine and kvetch and attack and insult and lie and deny all he wants. Music to the ears of the investigating team and to the testifying under oath folks and to the public who bothers to keep up with such things. More to come? WhOOPEE!

Posted - November 16, 2019
