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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever had a food disaster that you repurosed into something delicious?

Ever had a food disaster that you repurosed into something delicious?

Here's mine.

Made a cherry walnut bread in the bread machine years ago. I guess it was too moist because when the bread was "done" it was only done on the outside. The inside was GUMMY and not thoroughly cooked.

I was gonna throw it away and then I thought well maybe I can do something else with it.

I put it on a cookie sheet and cut it up into BISCOTTI. Then I put it in the oven at about 250 degrees to let it bake. IT WAS DELICIOUS! It got nicely crisped up and dried out just like ordinary biscotti and was really good.

Of course I never made it again. I tried but it wasn't in the cards. I've my share of unreclaimable disasters but that was my one shining success. Sigh.

Posted - November 19, 2019
