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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If Joe Biden had not been President Obama's veep how much chance would he have at being elected president?

If Joe Biden had not been President Obama's veep how much chance would he have at being elected president?

Is whatever support Biden has directly due to President Obama choosing him to veep? Whatcha think?

Posted - November 19, 2019


  • 10788
    I believe he tried for the office back in 1987, but withdrew his name due to allegations of plagiarism.

    However, hod he not been O's VP I doubt he'd had tried to run again.  It seems he likes to hang most of his "glories" on being O's vp.  (If it was good, he and O were responsible.  If it was bad, it was just O's doing)
      November 19, 2019 11:08 AM MST

  • 113301
    That plus his many gaffes plus his mistreatment of Anita Hill plus his age? Too many strikes against the good old boy for me to support. Also I am not a fan of riding on someone else's coattails. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I'm gonna ask.
      November 19, 2019 11:10 AM MST