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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Did you ever think fighting corruption could ruin a reputation? Telling the truth would make you a target for "elimination"?

Did you ever think fighting corruption could ruin a reputation? Telling the truth would make you a target for "elimination"?

Did is slowly creep up or was it always there? I don't know. Until now if it was always there it wasn't so noticeable. I mean Anita Hill was trashed. So sex-pervert Clarence Thomas is a supreme. More recently a sex pervert named kavanaugh joined him. Same MO. Trash the accuser to save the perp's a**.

Even Joe Biden, a good old boy, wasn't there for Anita Hill. Even good old boys aren't so good sometimes. He has subsequently apologized to her. Big wow. Too little too late. So if even the good old boys aren't so hot whaddya expect of the bad old boys? They have their fans and their spokesmouth and folks who will join the parade of truthteller trashers. And so it goes. Something to write about futurely. A puff piece or an expose? It could go either way.

Posted - November 20, 2019
