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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Don't know how many dementia don supporters have tattoos but tattoo parlors are missing a bet. What izzit?

Don't know how many dementia don supporters have tattoos but tattoo parlors are missing a bet. What izzit?

Advertise a complete body tattooed with everything related to dementia don. Charge up the yingyang. His supporters are very wealthy.

His famous sayings in script running up both arms His face on the forehead. Every inch of the body will be covered by art based on the profoundly wise extremely stable genius.

Perhaps it may get you a cabinet seat. Walking advertisements for him to know how beloved he is. What could it hurt?

You could run a special on his birthday, the day he was inaugurated, his anniversay. You know tie the specials in to everything relating to him.

It could be HUGE. So huge that it would become a requirement to attend a dementia don rally. Only devoted and loyal supporters would be allowed in.

To tattoo or not to tattoo? That is the question.

Posted - November 20, 2019
