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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Y'all do know that y'all is all dementia don has got dont'cha? He can't count on his Cabinet his employees other world leaders. Didja know?

Y'all do know that y'all is all dementia don has got dont'cha? He can't count on his Cabinet his employees other world leaders. Didja know?

Y'all are the only ones who believe him believe in him look up to him and support him. Y'all are the only ones who take him seriously. The rest of world laughs at him, uses him, manipulates him, puts him down and he keeps going back for more of the same.

It is your dementia don duty to stick by him no matter what. You've already given everything to support him so ya got nothing left to lose. Good luck. God speed. Happy sailing. With the wind at your backs who knows how far the wind will blow ya? Shows ta go ya.

Posted - November 20, 2019
