Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» All-gal panel of moderators for the Dem Debate tonight. Wonder who will stand out and who fill fall down/fall back?
The last two debates have been on cable stations that I don't get with my cable package. All presidential debates should be on over-the-air stations so that anyone can watch.
I agree! BUMMER L! Well we get cable for sports mostly(tennis and golf for Jim) and there are certain packages that include cable stations. It's like new app downloads everyone gets except for those without cell phones. Like we cretins or something. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. We're FINALLY getting some rain. Sheesh!
Happy Wednesday. :) I used to have the tier up on my cable, but decided it wasn't worth the additional $60 a month. So, I went down to basic service which does give me a couple of cable stations, but not the news ones. Glad to hear you're getting some rain. You need more.
From your lips honey. So far so good. At least when it rains our comrades in northern California don't have to have their electricity turned off! I'm not sure what those extra stations are but I watch the Science Channel all the time and TVland(when I run away from today into yesterday) and the History Channel. Maybe they all come with basic cable. I don't know. But we never go out and our main entertainment is our TV. We are homebodies. Jim plays tennis on Wednesdays and golf on Saturdays and loves to watch all the instruction shows. He's 84 and I can't tell you how proud I am of him! We don't go out to movies or plays or dinner. We don't travel. So the extra money we spend on cable is well worth it in terms of our lifestyle. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 20, 2019 11:07 AM MST
None of those channels are included in my cable tier. I had them before, but found I didn't watch them often enough to spend the extra money. I don't watch TV during the day, even when I'm home. I only watch in the evenings so I can always find something to watch.
You have a job sweetie. You're at work while I'm at home most all the time. So for me having some of those channels available is very advantageous. I used to have the radio on a station that played jazz all day long. I'd listen as I was doing whatever else. Today..well since 9/11 honestly...I have a cable news station on all day long as I'm multi tasking. I expect dementia don to blow the world up soon if he isn't stopped and I don't want to be the last to know. Gruesome I know but well I've never lied to you and I sure as he** won't start know. Every day I awaken wondering will today be the day he pushes the button? Thank you for your reply L! :)
I only work three days a week now. :) Frankly, if Trump is going to blow the world up, I don't care if I'm the last to know. It isn't as though I'm going to be around to care, but I take your point. I also wake up every day wondering what fresh he!! he will get us into. Have a great day.
To live stream is normally required to have a subscription to the channel somewhere..normally the cable company. I know I am required to log-in with my cable company before most channels will let me watch.
I have went directly to a channel's website and was required to log in to my cable account before it would play. Maybe a state requirement. I do not know. I just know that is what I had to do on more than one channel and on more than one occasion.