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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Family income determines the size of the budget. Obviously. So does political income/contributions. Is that fair?

Family income determines the size of the budget. Obviously. So does political income/contributions. Is that fair?


All candidates for president had a LIMIT beyond which they could not legally go...funds they could spend on advertising and getting elected? Level the playing field?

As it stands someone can have a war chest of billions of dollars while an opponent's war chest might be millions. Which means the wealthy can buy whatever they want including elections.

Now I don't give a rat's if they buy multiples homes and yachts and jewels and cars and furs or islands for their own person use. But buy politicians to do their bidding out of obligation? Buying legislation outcomes(that's what lobbyists do in case you didn't know) like the NRA does and the oil/gas companies do and pharmaceutical companies do and on and on and on and  that affects  ME and others? SUCK BIGLY.

Scary thought though for those who are used to buying what they want no matter what it is.  Hopeless?

Posted - November 21, 2019


  • 35015
    Still would not get money out of the process. PAC still would abound. 

    And money does not alway guarantee victory. 
      November 21, 2019 8:41 AM MST