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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Did you ever imagine a day would come when the only thing that mattered was political ideology? Before God or family or country?

Did you ever imagine a day would come when the only thing that mattered was political ideology? Before God or family or country?

After all the evidence was presented under oath about the slamdunk proof of dementia don being guilty of BRIBERY AND EXTORTION  the same dementia don and cabal et al track is being followed. No budging. No deviation. No wiggle room. To refresh your memory if it isn't so hot here is how it all lays out

Russia is innocent of everything
Ukraine meddled in the election
The prez is innocent and did nothing wrong
Those who disagree with the prez were always NEVER TRUMPERS
The real bribery/extortion is at the feet of the Democrats
Hillary should be in jail
Barack Obama was not born in America

All the accusations against the prez have no merit no matter what they ar about where they are from whom they are alleged by

The Democrats wants to take away all your guns and your money and your religion and your churches and give you squat
The prez has never lied never broken a promise never said an unkind word never attacked never sabotaged never set up anyone never hurt/harmed anyone. He was sent by GOD to save America and the Jews so good Christians can enter Heaven as the bible predicts. Do the Jews not get to enter Heaven or do they convert and become good Christians?

Until the prez took office we have never had such a caring person in that office. He will go down in history as the best president America ever had. There will be shrines to him in every home with candles burning in front of his photo and one day he may become a saint.

Apologies if I forget anything. Fill in whatever I left out. He is so much it's hard to keep track of all of it.

Posted - November 22, 2019


  • 46117
    I have no opinion of anyone who has a different skin color than me.  I have nothing negative to think about them.

    But?  You tell me you are  a Republican?  I am backing away from you and know that you are NUTS to the point of no return.  
      November 22, 2019 8:15 AM MST

  • 10788

    Like... yeah.

    The American people aren't too bright anymore.  They look around them and see CEO's (and such) raking in massive paychecks without doing much, while they can barely make ends meet... working 2+ jobs!  They see giant corporations dodging paying their fair share (taxes and such) via loopholes and shady practices, while they‘re taxed to death and denied health insurance.  Yet they turn right around and vote for one of these corrupt businessmen thinking he’ll be different.  Doesn't matter who was "should have won"; the fact is many people voted for him - primaries and the general.  Well, their prez is running the country the same way these fat cats run corporations.  The only difference is they do it behind closed doors but he can't.  Everything he does is only to make money for himself and his "buddies" - NOT the "people" he's supposedly serving).  Even his cabinet is a bunch of rich businessmen.  It should come as no surprise that many of them are corrupt.  Yet many people marvel at this.  The prez himself claims amazement at how corrupt these people actually are ("I never knew this person").  The fact is he DID know.  The ones he chose to "fill the swamp" are exactly like he is (only most of them are better at it).

    It gets worse.  The ones the American people put in office to prevent this kind of thing are the very ones who are saying it’s all a hoax.  They have the cojones to sit in office and say wrong is right (all praise the wrong).  Worse, the American people BELIEVE them and reelect them!  Well, they got what they deserved.  Problem is, the rest of us who aren’t wearing blinders have to suffer.  We see that our nation is on the precipice of hell – and the prez piling his gold onto it, hastening its fall.  

      November 22, 2019 10:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    Exactly Shuhak. Precisely. You got it! SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Now what coach?
      November 22, 2019 10:37 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply.
      November 22, 2019 10:35 AM MST

  • 113301
    You are serious with this reply I take it? I tell you no such thing. That you are going to such a dark place tells me that you don't know me have never known will never know me. You back away from me? Thank you.
      November 22, 2019 11:22 AM MST