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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "I don't need defending! I can fight my own battles!" Ever say that/think that?

"I don't need defending! I can fight my own battles!" Ever say that/think that?

Even though you don't run to others whinya**ing and complaining because you are quite capable of defending yourself if that is what you want to do or ignoring it...even so isn't it nice to know there are others out there WATCHING YOUR BACK and speaking up on your behalf? That they are so incensed at unfair attacks they can't remain silent?

I can fight my own battles. But I know there are folks out there who have backed me up and spoken up even they didn't need to do so. I think Lt. Col. Vindman is no different from me..well except he is a WAR HERO WITH A PURPLE HEART and Dr. Fiona Hill is no different from me well except she is a BRILLIANT public servant who is highly moral and intelligent and apolitical and eloquent. They don't "NEED" defending I am sure but what could it hurt to speak up and stand by them? A bunch of whinya** scairdy cat toady sycophants don't have the right stuff to do that. The dementia don is counting on them for that. Including the Pentagon and mike pompousa**. Sheesh. What a bunch of losers.

Posted - November 23, 2019
