Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Wait long enough and all the vermin get sucked in. The devin nunes is now being implicated with rudyg in the UKRAINE scandal! WHAT?

Wait long enough and all the vermin get sucked in. The devin nunes is now being implicated with rudyg in the UKRAINE scandal! WHAT?

Yep. That little vermin devin  is implicated  in it too. The skunk who crawled on his belly to the White House when he was the Minority Leader in the House of the Committee that Schiff now heads. Scurrying vermin in the dark of night sucking up to and kissing the butt of dementia don! THAT GUY. Perfect. Implicated in the FAKE dirt manufacture against Joe Biden and his kid Hunter because dementia don is scared sh**less of Joe and so tried to take him down by any means possible using everyone he could get his stubby little hands on...by now in the multiples of dozens. It figgers. He is so weak and inept and impotent on his own he's gotta have droves of folks to do his bidding.

More to come. Stay tuned. What could it hurt? Ya might learn something you didn't know.

Posted - November 23, 2019
