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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Logic-tight compartment example. The bible believer who prays to GOD, adores dementia don and IGNORES a memorable line. Which one?

Logic-tight compartment example. The bible believer who prays to GOD, adores dementia don and IGNORES a memorable line. Which one?

Jesus said "what you do to the least of mine you do to me".

Now the so-called "religious" dementia don adoring worshippers clearly ignore Jesus completely by worshipping and adoring dementia don who has done so much bad to the least of us and continues to do more bad more evil. The dementia don is the spawn of the devil whom these so-called bible believers worship and adore and defend and embrace. I think GOD is not pleased. The dementia don bible-thumping adoring worshippers clearly  do not care.

Bifurcated brains. What other explanation is there?

Posted - November 24, 2019
