Nothing wrong with robust disagreement. Nothing wrong with having differences of opinion based on different intellects, emotions, comprehensions. It's human and normal and keeps the brain activated.
What is abnormal is the drive to silence disagreers. Not only silence them but destroy them. Annihilate them. Crush them. That is very abnormal and it seems to me that lately the abnormal is gaining ground. Is that sound? Is that helpful? Is that healthy? Is that desirable? Is that patriotic? Is that moral?
Very weird these days. Very weird. Very peculiar these days. Very peculiar. The louder they shout the more certain we be of their fear denial refusal hostility. The fear is growing because it is self-generated self-fulfilled and all they have to drive them on to this ultimatum. EITHER OBEY AGREE or you will be history. Scairdy cats. Terrified of different views different words different truths. Peculiar. Queer. Weird. Bizarre.