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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Money doesn't change the character of people. It just brings all the truth out. Would you be a greedy basta**/GIVING PLEDGE billionaire?

Money doesn't change the character of people. It just brings all the truth out. Would you be a greedy basta**/GIVING PLEDGE billionaire?

I don't know how many billionaires there are worldwide. I do know that somewhere between 150-204 or more have signed the Bill&Melinda Gates/Warren Buffet GIVING PLEDGE.

More money doesn't automatically make you charitable if you already are a money-hungry hoor. If you are a giving person then having more money will facilitate your ability to give more.

Rotten to the oore doesn't change. Neither does charitable/kind/caring.

Love of money is not the root of all evil. What is? I don't think there is ONE thing we can blame.

We just know that some people are corruptible and look for angles and shortcuts and ways to tilt the playing field and they will go to any length to "get ahead". Some people cannot be bought or tempted or corrupted.
Why that is I don't know. I just know that there are VERY BAD EVIL people and VERY GOOD KIND people and whichever one you are is what you are.

So all the current corrupt TREASONOUS TRAITOROUS US gubment crumbumb lamebrains were not created by dementia don. He just drew them out and let them float up to the top as scum always does and show the world exactly what they always were. So in a way he should be thanked right?.

Posted - November 26, 2019
