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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Anyone ever hear of a FULL-SERVICE GAS STATION? Or grocery stores where they had employees BAG YOUR GROCERIES?

Anyone ever hear of a FULL-SERVICE GAS STATION? Or grocery stores where they had employees BAG YOUR GROCERIES?

Gone with the wind. Bottom line they make lots more buck when


What nerve! What chutzpah!


Anyone on board with that? You pump your gas. You bag your own groceries. What do you get out of it?

Posted - December 2, 2019


  • 35030
    The last fuel service station I seen was about 10 yrs ago.  They charged a penny more per gallon than every one else. 

    Our grocery stores still bag our groceries for us....Walmart is not a grocery store. They are are big box store who happens to carry groceries.  But you can order on-line and they get everything for you and put it in your car. 
      December 2, 2019 12:09 PM MST

  • 113301
    Winco is a grocery store and Jim does the bagging. Costco is a big box store and they do the packaging for you. Walmart is a grocery store and the cashier will do the bagging if you can't. Just give her/him the bags and they take care of the rest. The store I HATED with Fresh Foods. It didn't last. You bagged your own you weighed your own you paid thruogh a machine. You could go in the store and never encounter a real live person. Foods were prepackaged so you couldn't pick the cutest or largest or ripest. Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)
      December 3, 2019 1:54 AM MST

  • 35030
    I am a weird one on that. I love the self check. 
    We have to grocery stores both bag for you and will take your items to the car if you want. 
      December 3, 2019 5:28 AM MST

  • 10795
    I was a bagger at Lucky's or 5 years (or, as they called it, a courtesy clerk).  Had to wear a white dress shirt, black shoes, slacks, and a company-issued red and black striped tie.  Oh how I hated wearing that stupid tie!  Never did learn how to tie it.  

    In Oregon you're not allowed to pump your own gas (major no-no!).

    I remember going to the Gulf station after church a few times a month (.53/gal).  The attendant asked regular or ethyl.  Then, as it was filing, he'd wash the windows and squeegeed then off.  Then he'd pop the hood and check the oil.  Dad handed him a fiver or several ones, then the attendant got change right there from a tray by the stack of oil cans.   After the gas crisis of the mid 70's, the Gulf station was changed to another mane.  The first thing they did was to install a bullet-proof cage where the attendant sat and took the money.  A few stations still offered full service, but you had to pay extra for it.  By 1980 they were all gone.  Of course, before the gas crisis nearly every place had gas pumps, and there were at least 4 gas stations on each block - even out in the middle of nowhere (there were more gas pumps than there were people!).  The main stations, Texaco, Shell, Atlantic Richfield (aka the standard station), Gulf and Mobil, all had the newfangled rounded pumps with rolling dials.  The outlying places (motor lodges, general stores, and such) still had the tall glass pumps.  
    Now gas is $4-$5/gal. and every "station" is a mini-mart.  No air pumps, and the few places that provide a bucket of water for you to wash off your windows , rarely changes or refills that "water".

      December 2, 2019 1:45 PM MST

  • 113301
    My dad was partner's with his cousin owning a gas station. It didn't last long. The cousin's son was helping himself to money in the till. Thank you for the tour of how things used to be. First-person experience with bagging groceries. I understand why companies have certain requirements for how you dress. But requiring to wear a "uniform"? Yuck. I mean you don't want someone who is barefoot in torn jeans and tattered top waiting on you. You have to draw the line somewhere. Happy Tuesday Shuhak! :) And not allowed to pump your own as in Oregon? Geez that's awesome! This post was edited by RosieG at December 3, 2019 6:39 PM MST
      December 3, 2019 1:58 AM MST

  • 46117
    How about the NEW idea?  You have to bring your own bags or pay the store for them now.  

    Did you notice the other thing that is new?  JARS.  TIP jars for everybody.  If you order coffee at Starbucks you tip them for pouring a coffee?

    Like it is not expensive enough?  

    And do not ignore the cashiers at every counter in America asking you to donate for the army, the homeless, heart patients, cancer, kids who are hungry, animals.  We have to say YES.  I never do.  It is an insult to me. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 3, 2019 6:39 PM MST
      December 2, 2019 6:47 PM MST

  • 113301
    The only thing I don't mind is bringing our own bags. I have never once put money in a tip jar. We are not Starbucks fans. I can buy a can of our favorite coffee for what one double latte triple dee doo magna cum laude ipswitch dingbat drink costs. But  collection jars for a specific cause like Ronald McDonald Houses in McDonald's Restaurants I don't mind as long as they don't pitch me. Just have the jar there and let customers put money in if they wish. Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Tuesday! :).
      December 3, 2019 1:50 AM MST

  • 44752
    I worked at a full service gas station. 1969. Until It got cold. I joined the Navy instead. I use self-checkout unless I buy a lot of stuff. It is much faster for them to bag.
      December 3, 2019 6:43 PM MST