Allegedly apparently some phone call logs show devin nunes calling and being called by rudyg. Same logs show rudyg calling an "unknown" White House recipient late at night. One can guess who that "unknown" someone might be.
Getting back to nunes. He is the ranking member of a committee dealing with the Ukraine BRIBERY/EXTORTION thingy that will bring 4D down to his knees and out of a job. If devin nunes was also
involved in it, knew about it, participated in it and said nothing about it to his committee how much trouble could he be in? Colluding conspiring with the 4D cabal et al while attacking witnesses who testified under oath is criminal isn't it? Will his a** be nailed to the wall along with the 4D and his cabal et al? One wonders about how far YOU are willing to let things go to preserve the a** of a jacka** and the maggots who service him. I guess we will find out.