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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The consensus is that MEMORY IS UNRELIABLE. You cannot count on it. Which means that testifying UNDER OATH is undependable. Right?

The consensus is that MEMORY IS UNRELIABLE. You cannot count on it. Which means that testifying UNDER OATH is undependable. Right?

So all the testifying and eye witnessing can be lies. Not purposeful to be sure. But it matters not does it?

You BELIEVE your testimony is 100% absolutely accurate and true and real and factual and supportable. But now we know it ain't necessarily so. Great! A fine kettle of fish!

Why bother testifying to anything or taking an oath? You have the compulsive congenital pathological LIAR who can't help himself. It is mental defect/a sickness.

But what's the difference between that and everyone else? I dunno where we go from here. Do you?

Posted - December 5, 2019
