Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The evil that men do. What evil hath 4D wrought and what is yet to come? He is destroying the country from within to what end?

The evil that men do. What evil hath 4D wrought and what is yet to come? He is destroying the country from within to what end?

To WEAKEN us of course. To make it easier for Putin to control us. All Republicans have already rolled over in lock step and support Russia Putin and will die before they admit otherwise. All 4D adoring worshippers support everything he does and says and always will as they watch the innards of our country become diseased atrophied and dies to service RUSSKY interests and get Putin's approval.  Just as long as they cling to 4D they are secure they feel safe they are happy they are content. They are lemmings they are sheep they are robots they are gone and have become the walking dead. They don't care that 4D sold them out betrayed them treasoned and traitored them.

Do you?

Posted - December 5, 2019


  • 35032
    President Trump has been the toughest on Russia since Reagan.

    In response to Russian interference in the 2016 election and other malfeasance, the Trump Administration has sanctioned Russian oligarchs and intelligence entities.


    Throughout 2017 and 2018, the U.S. sanctioned numerous Russian actors for violating non-proliferation laws by supporting weapons programs in Iran and Syria, and supporting North Korea's development of weapons of mass destruction.


    The Trump Administration has issued sanctions against more than one hundred Russian actors and firms for Russia's destabilizing actions in Ukraine and its ongoing occupation of Crimea.


    In March 2017, in response to Russia's use of a military-grade chemical weapon in the United Kingdom, the Trump Administration ordered multiple Russian consulates in the United States closed and expelled 60 Russian intelligence officers.


    Due to sanctions imposed by the Trump Administration, the Russian economy and Russian geo-economic projects have been severely constrained.


    In 2018, as Russian investors reacted to new sanctions, the Russian Ruble made its biggest fall in over three years, and, as of July 2018, is down nearly nine percent against the dollar.


    As a part of its sanctions against Russia, the United States has prevented numerous companies from partnering with Russian offshore oil projects, denying these projects access to capital and key resources.


    The Trump Administration has also opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin's largest geo-economic project, the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which could generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for Russia.


    In the wake of Russian provocations, President Trump has exercised U.S. military power and worked to bolster U.S. allies in Europe.


    In 2017, President Trump approved the sale of lethal weapons to Ukraine addressing the country's vulnerability to Russian-backed separatists in its eastern provinces.


    Under the Trump Administration, Russian mercenaries and other pro-Syrian regime forces attacking U.S. troops in Syria were killed.


    The U.S. has increased troops and its military capability in Eastern Europe and dramatically increased training and drills with its NATO partners.


    In 2018, the U.S. Department of Defense increased its spending as part of the European Deterrence Initiative by $1.4 billion dollars.

    Due to pressure from President Trump, U.S.' NATO allies have increased defense expenditures by five percent.

      December 5, 2019 6:56 AM MST

  • 10795
    We are like a fog in a pot of water.  Increase the heat quickly and the frog hops out.  Increase the heat slowly and the frog won't realise he's in danger of being cooked until it's too late.  By ignoring or dismissing the actions of the president, we are allowing the heat to slowly increase.  Once it starts to boil, our fate is sealed.
    Sure one may point out a few "good" actions he has taken, but these actions can't counteract the bad actions he does.  The heat is still slowly rising.  Do we jump out of the pot now, or do we stay in and risk getting boiled?
      December 5, 2019 12:19 PM MST

  • 113301
    I don't have a clue what we can do should will do might do ought to do Shuhak. NOT A CLUE. The folks with power are braindead robots so we cannot depend upon them doing the job they swore to do. What to do? Well WE NEED A MIRACLE. Specifically when the vote in the Senate is taken to IMPEACH AND REMOVE I believe the number of Republicans Senators we will need to do the right is 20. Perhaps GOD in HIS infinite wisdom will cause them have a SCROOGE dream about what their lives will be like if they puruse the course they are on. Perhaps like SCROOGE they will wake up and smell the roses and change overnight. Perhaps. Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 5, 2019 12:43 PM MST