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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "We look forward to a FAIR trial in the Senate". Fair my a**. The Republican majority is already bought and paid for. Slam dunk no brainers?

"We look forward to a FAIR trial in the Senate". Fair my a**. The Republican majority is already bought and paid for. Slam dunk no brainers?

There is no way the Republican majority in the Senate will do the right thing. No way in he**.

They are terrified of crossing A**BACKWARDS 4D. They are chickensh** scairdy cats and they have already told us what they plan to do. Lindsay Graham said he wouldn't even bother reading anything. All the other attack puppies said it was a sham a scam a hoax a witchhunt and have predetermined what they will do/say.

Justice in America today under the A**BACKWARDS 4D and his cohort comrades. The worst is yet to come. Watch how low they go how deep they drill how big they lie and how often they deny and insult and attack and will go on until they die trying.

A circus of uglies.

Posted - December 5, 2019


  • 35032
    At least both sides will have a say. Will be able to call witnesses. Presidential council will be allowed etc. 

    But unless something else are correct Trump will remain. And the Dems are correct Trump will be re-elected.
      December 5, 2019 7:25 AM MST