Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Geez liddle devvie nunes wanted so much to play ball with the big boys he sold his soul. He got his wish. What would you lose YOUR soul for?

Geez liddle devvie nunes wanted so much to play ball with the big boys he sold his soul. He got his wish. What would you lose YOUR soul for?

Well we know a coupla years ago liddle devvie nunes in the dark of night snuck to the White House to get talking points from them that he then allegedly went over to the White House in the daylight to share with them. I know. Makes no sense but well that's the level of intellect they operate with. Sneak in to do the dirty work then pretend it's brand and you are coming to rescue of a beleaguered White House. Sure. He got the talking from them and simply repeated them. Big wow. Dog & Pony show has never been executed better than by 4D and the cabal et al.

He bettered that though and all it cost was his puny worthless soul The devil is desperate you see these days and will take anything it can get.

What did liddledevvie nunes get? To be part of the rudyg parnas ring of 3 vis a vis the Ukraine hoaxy scandal manufactured by The RUSSKY Putin and ordered to be implemented to the lapdog puppet 4D who then spread the manure around to all the lemmings of which and of whom rudyg and liddle devvie nunes were definitely suited for. Even better? Liddle devvie nunes sat in on the UNDER OATH testimony of Yovanovich. The former Ambassador to Ukraine who was bullied and threatened and badmouthed and lied to and lied about about because she would not along with the fake phony LIE that Ukraine was the meddler not the russkies. All the while liddle devvie nunes RANKing member of the House MINORITY sat there listening to her testimony all innocent like as if he were hearing all of that for the first time never indicating that HE WAS IN ON IT early on and there PHONE LOGS TO PROVE IT. Why else would he be talking to parna and rudyg? Yep. liddle devvie nunes is unmasked as the rat he is. And is in a lotta trouble. Well-deserved I might add. He worked overtime to suck up to and matter to 4D. He is now part of the mess. It suits him so very well.

Posted - December 7, 2019
