Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How do you place a dollar value on INCONVENIENCE? Stuff has a value. What it cost you lost. Inconvenience is measured how?

How do you place a dollar value on INCONVENIENCE? Stuff has a value. What it cost you lost. Inconvenience is measured how?

California Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) will pay $13.5 BILLION to settle claims from fire victims whose electricity was turned off without their permission.

So you lost $100 worth of food (or more if you have more than one refrigerator). That is measurable and pay backable.

How do you measure the inconvenience of being without light or TV or Computer or possibly heat?

Is there a basic per day charge or is it pure pie in the sky?

An Answermugger went 5 days without electricity. What's his inconvenience worth?

Posted - December 7, 2019


  • 10795
    PG&E credited users $100 on their current bill to cover any "losses" associated with their first power shut off (they flat out said whatever happened during the other PSPS were the customers problem, not theirs).  I lost over $200 in food.  Oh, well... guess that's my fault for having to shop sales to make what little money I have last.  They tell us this will happen for at least 10 more years, so we'd better "invest in a generator".  Like we're all made of money.  My septic system is powered by electricity (crap doesn't flow uphill by itself), so when there's no power I have no septic.

    You forgot to mention the inconvenience of not being able to cook food, not being able to receive evacuation warnings in case of a fires, and not being able to run medical equipment.  In this area, most people live well outside of town and are on wells. So when there's no power they have no water or sewage (who needs water to survive?).  How can one be compensated for that kind of "inconvenience"?
      December 7, 2019 11:24 AM MST

  • 113301
    I didn't forget Shuhak. I didn't think of it. I didn't know about it. You're the one who lived it my friend. Not me. You know you are the Answermugger in my question. I mean going one day is bad enough but FIVE? Oh and with the warning threat promise of ten more years of it? You ask me the questions I cannot possibly answer. But here's what I think should happen. PG&E should pay for generators for all the customers who are in their areas of shutoff. INCLUDING THE COST OF GAS TO RUN THEM. At least you would have some semblance of normalcy. Now what would that cost them? I don't care. They are responsible for your misery so they have to fix it. Of course we know that means their charges to their customers would go up to absorb it. Isn't it always that way? Pass the cost on the customer? It's a weird world when the customer has to pay for the incompetence inefficiency stupidity of the service provider. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Sunday! :)
      December 8, 2019 1:47 AM MST

  • 10795
    PG&E is in bankruptcy.  They can't even pay for the damages from the fires they caused from years past, let alone this years fire.  They already have permission from the PUC to pass on the cost of their "losses" to customers.  
      December 8, 2019 10:03 AM MST

  • 113301
    Wait a minit Shuhak. You mean to tell me that the perps are making the vics pay for their losses ON TOP OF WHAT THE VICS ALREADY LOST DUE TO THE PERPS INEPT IMPOTENT incompetence? Boy if that ain't twisting the sword and putting salt in the wound I do not know what is. And of course yo have no recourse because the PUC sucks too. Like going to liddlebillybarr for justice from the evil of 4D. It ain't gonna happen. Condolences.  Thank you for your reply :)
      December 8, 2019 10:20 AM MST

  • 10795
    Yep.  The PUC is in the pocket of large utilities.  Has been for many years.  Utility bills could go up 100% over the course of a few years.  PG&E adamantly claims none of this was their fault (even though proof shows otherwise).  They charged customers for line maintenance (tree trimming and upkeep) for decades... but never did it.  The fat cats at the top and shareholders got the money.

    What's sad is that people are taking out their frustrations on the PG&E workers (throwing things at them, running their trucks off the road, cursing at them) when none of this is their fault.  This is not a good situation.
      December 8, 2019 11:32 AM MST