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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Never was employed by the gubment so I don't know what the rules are. In the regular normal world you know what's required?

Never was employed by the gubment so I don't know what the rules are. In the regular normal world you know what's required?

The employer needs certain work performed. He advertises and interviews candidates to see which one(s) may fit the needs of the company best. Sometimes you take tests sometimes they just interview. They check the references you give from past employers and call them to see what they thought of you as an employee. If everything appears to be okey dokey they hire you. Now some companies have "trial" periods varying from 3-6 months. That's when they see what ya got how you perform what kind of employee you are. Only after you pass the probationary period does insurance kick in and eligibility for any other company benefits. Bottom line? YOU HAVE TO PERFORM THE JOB NEEDED DONE. You don't you're out on your a**. I always was able to do what I said I could but I worked in places where a coupla employees advertised what they couldn't deliver so they were canned.

The 4D gubment does not require performance of any kind other than to obey the king and speaktalk only love and affection and admiration and adoration and respect for him. Also they have to lie deny attack insult "the enemy" which is everyone not like them politically. But as for doing the actual work required? Naw. No need. Not necessary. Just keep blowing hot air on the king and complimenting him and rolling over for him and you be good to go. That's it! Sharpen up your knives. Make sure ya got enough bullets. Poison will do in a pinch. Or a bomb. Whatever.

How will they ever survive his "demise" figuratively speaking? Going out into that world of common sense and TRUTH and reason when they've lived in the king's bubble worl of delusion deception deceit for years? I dunno but it should be VERRRRY INTERRRESTING.

Posted - December 8, 2019
