Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Rudy has been one of the greatest crime fighters in the last 50 years". As said by the greatest liar in the last billion years. Guess hoo?

"Rudy has been one of the greatest crime fighters in the last 50 years". As said by the greatest liar in the last billion years. Guess hoo?

Are you looking forward to the senate heerings herrings? That great patriotic amurrican moscow mitch the son of an itch will be presiding. That second banana to John McCain Lindsay Graham will carry the water. They will be in top top shape having memorized the script as created and ordained by Vlad Putin.

Now Vlad has singlehandedly caused the greatest BLOODLESS coup in the history of the world.

He installed a very obedient lapdog puppet whom he endowed with magical powers. The lapdot puppets co-opted the breains hearts minds souls conscience morality of millions of gullibles and turned them all over to Vlad. The lapdog puppet commanded all who wear the label REPUBLICAN to fall in line word for word supporting every idea Vlad Wanted promulgated and so far the success has been amazing!

Two ingredients was all it took.

An obedient bully lapdog puppet
Millions of gullibles waiting to be gulliblized to the max

Voila! Success! :(

Posted - December 8, 2019
