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Truth and Lies often cross paths. Which path will get you richer quicker?

Posted - December 8, 2019


  • 46117
    I don't know.  I don't have a Senate to back up my lies.  I'd better stick to the old tried and true TRUTH.
      December 8, 2019 9:52 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply.
      December 9, 2019 3:54 AM MST

  • 10795
    That may depend on what one considers "riches".  Lies may get one material riches (money, things), but truth  gives one something that money cannot buy - trust. 

    When one lies, they are usually trying to avoid unwanted outcomes (angry/upset friend, unpleasant consequences, not getting what they want).  In order to keep the lie from being found out, one ends up telling another lie.  Then to keep both lies from the light of truth, they must tell another... and another.... Soon they are weaving a web of lies in a vain effort to keep them all from unraveling.  

    Whereas when one tells the truth, they gain trust.  When one shows that they're willing to suffer the consequences for their wrong actions or mistakes, others take notice.  People would much rather deal with an honest person than a liar.  Honesty breeds true respect, closer friendships, as well as less stress and worry (no need to fret over a web of lies coming unraveled by a slip of the tongue).
      December 8, 2019 11:11 AM MST

  • 113301
    People lie to cover up wrongdoing. Then as time goes by they pile up lie after lie after lie after lie and soon can't remember which lie they told to whom. Liars are always revealed. I don't lie, It isn't because I'm a goody two shoes but because I don't want to live always looking over my shoulder to see what's gaining on me. I take my hits up front and then move on. Easier on me that way. Others take pride in the amount and depth and width and height of their lies. Liars cleave unto one another because no one else can stand them. They live in a delusive world of their own making and never achieve anything worth having in my opinion. Anything based on lies is of evil origin.  As such evil is the only product possible. More evildoers and evilworshippers and evillovers than I ever could have imagined. And they are all or mostly all in America supporting donaldjohntrump. Birds of a feather...yellow bellied sapsuckers? I'm not a bird person. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. This post was edited by RosieG at December 9, 2019 9:57 AM MST
      December 9, 2019 4:00 AM MST

  • 10795
    I wonder why people label others who refuse to lie things like goody-two-shoes.  Is it because people expect to be lied to?  Is it because people who dont lie make the rest look bad and they want to discredit them?
      December 9, 2019 10:07 AM MST

  • 113301
    I'm not sure but I think somewhere along the line they were taught that winning is everything and how you do it is irrelevant. Those who don't cheat and lie their way to success are something "less than" those who do. Which is why the don john adoring worshippers admire him so much. He lies about everything all the time and doubles down and insists that black is white all the time and they "believe" him all the time because they have to. They've nothing else to cling to but the udderly absurd thing he is. My guess? Their parents taught them this. To win is divine. Whatever it takes do it say it be it is fine. Elsewise is assanine.. There is no second place. Win or be a loser. Thus the don john base was born. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 10, 2019 9:49 AM MST
      December 10, 2019 4:15 AM MST