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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What is OBVIOUS to me isn't necessarily obvious to others and vicey versey. So a reminder never hurts. Now what?

What is OBVIOUS to me isn't necessarily obvious to others and vicey versey. So a reminder never hurts. Now what?

You don't know and you want to learn about it so you ask.

The IDEAL supplier of that information is factual and informative without being condescending or insulting. I know. Obvious right? Nope. Most information dispenser humans are that. They are factual and direct without editorializing in any way when they share the information requested. Trying to be helpful and not hurtful. If you start off with "you dumb a**",  either stated or implied, anything that follows isn't going to be useful.

Posted - December 9, 2019


  • 10795
    When one starts off by belittling another or being condescending, only serves to turn the other person off.  No one likes a person who thinks that they're superior to everyone else.  
    How would you react if asked someone something and they responded, "look here you idiot, ..."?  Immediately your defences would go up (how dare you!  Look, pal, I'm not the idiot YOU are!)  It wouldn't matter what else the other person said, their first words instantly turned you off from hearing anything else.  All you can think of is how offensive that statement was.  You may even walk away from them.  Not an effective way of teaching.

    The key to communication is to put oneself on the same level with the person which they wish to communicate with.  That doesn't mean one has to demean themselves, but rather to try and see things from the other person's perspective. Remember, you're trying to impart information or your point of view to them... not force it on them.  After all, you may be wrong (an arrogant person cannot teach).  Talk to to other person in a manner you'd like them to talked to you.  Avoid calling names (labeling) or being arrogant.  Suppress the urge to force your opinion on the other person - especially if it seems that they aren't grasping what you're saying.  Refrain from using dismissive phrases such as 'you never...', 'you always...' ,or 'why can't you...', as these will also serve to turn the other person off.
      December 9, 2019 11:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    PRECISELY Shuhak. The "wrong" kind of information imparter can make the person REGRET ever asking. I wonder why they think that is a good way to go through life? It gives them something they need OBVIOUSLY. But what the he** that is I cannot imagine nor do I wish to find out. Thank you for never doing that and  thank you for your thoughtful reply. This post was edited by RosieG at December 10, 2019 2:09 AM MST
      December 10, 2019 2:06 AM MST