Can you see it? There's a frickin' pharmacy of Sudafed in that drawer. The same medication that I can only buy in small doses for my allergy-ridden teenager when hay fever hits and she can barely breathe. And it's not the same OTC Sudafed that you or I can buy at the Walgreens or Duane Reade on the corner. That's the UK version of the brand.
Why the distinction? Because the UK version has ingredients not found in the US version. I'll let Twitter user JRehling take over:
Sudafed is sometimes used for a high that includes increased alertness, but also has a side effect of pupil dilation.
Abuse of this drug was rare, but in order to limits its abuse, regulations were passed limiting the frequency in which an individual could purchase it, and requiring the individual show ID.
The desk drawer full of Sudafed, including boxes in New York purchased in the UK indicate that the legal limits of purchase are being circumvented, and that the then-candidate Trump was abusing Sudafed for its high rather than its decongestant effect.
"A sign of abuse of this drug might be finding a large amount of cold medicine drug packaging among someone’s belongings."
Beyond pupil dilation, more serious side effects include hallucinations and paranoid psychosis.
It is very concerning for the entire planet that someone with access to nuclear weapons is showing signs of abusing a drug that leads to paranoid psychosis.