Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "People are flushing toilets 10 times, maybe 15 times as opposed to once." Per donjohn. Did he take a survey? Is it a confession?

"People are flushing toilets 10 times, maybe 15 times as opposed to once." Per donjohn. Did he take a survey? Is it a confession?

Posted - December 9, 2019


  • 35032
    People complain. It is annoying when things do not work properly. 

    If you have low water pressure and add a low water feature....you get a fixture that wastes water.
      December 9, 2019 6:36 AM MST

  • 46117
    Yes.  People complain.  I remember Reagans FAMOUS TOILET FLUSHING SPEECH.  NOT AS GOOD AS TRUMP'S.

      December 9, 2019 8:52 AM MST

  • 113301
    Defending the donjohn obsession with pee poop and poo m2c? Really? SIGH. A new low or the way to go? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee.
      December 10, 2019 1:38 AM MST

  • 35032
    It was not about pee/poop it waa about EPA overreach and defeating themselves. 
      December 10, 2019 4:48 AM MST

  • 6023
    Maybe he's thinking of those commercials for the bladder-control pharmaceuticals?  lol

    Or maybe that's why a military toilet costs so much?  It has a counter on it. 
      December 9, 2019 8:34 AM MST

  • 113301
    I dunno Walt but I guess the guy is bored to death and seek stuff like this that he wants us to know he is right on top. He didn't tell us whether its poop or pee. Maybe that will come next. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to ya! :)
      December 9, 2019 1:04 PM MST

  • 46117
    Rosie, I posted that video of his toilet speech over and over yesterday because no matter how stupid he has sounded before, this one was a CLASSIC.  Oh my God.  Can you imagine any other President talking this way on film?  He just rambles on and on like he is HIGH as SH)T.  There are photos of psuedofed in his drawer.   There are boxes of it.  If this is accurate, he is HIGH.  VERY HIGH.  This pseudofed is not even legal in the USA. I'll find the photo.  He is WASTED. That is why he is so insane acting.


    Can you see it? There's a frickin' pharmacy of Sudafed in that drawer. The same medication that I can only buy in small doses for my allergy-ridden teenager when hay fever hits and she can barely breathe. And it's not the same OTC Sudafed that you or I can buy at the Walgreens or Duane Reade on the corner. That's the UK version of the brand.

    Why the distinction? Because the UK version has ingredients not found in the US version. I'll let Twitter user JRehling take over:


    Sudafed is sometimes used for a high that includes increased alertness, but also has a side effect of pupil dilation.

    1,266 people are talking about this

    Abuse of this drug was rare, but in order to limits its abuse, regulations were passed limiting the frequency in which an individual could purchase it, and requiring the individual show ID.

    762 people are talking about this

    The desk drawer full of Sudafed, including boxes in New York purchased in the UK indicate that the legal limits of purchase are being circumvented, and that the then-candidate Trump was abusing Sudafed for its high rather than its decongestant effect.

    1,204 people are talking about this

    From https://addictionhope.com 
    "A sign of abuse of this drug might be finding a large amount of cold medicine drug packaging among someone’s belongings."

    679 people are talking about this

    Beyond pupil dilation, more serious side effects include hallucinations and paranoid psychosis.

    It is very concerning for the entire planet that someone with access to nuclear weapons is showing signs of abusing a drug that leads to paranoid psychosis.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 9, 2019 3:29 PM MST
      December 9, 2019 8:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    I wanna know if its poop or pee that requires more flushes? Don't you? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply Sharon. This post was edited by RosieG at December 10, 2019 3:12 AM MST
      December 9, 2019 1:05 PM MST

  • 10795
    When trump complains that "people" are having a problem with something, he's usually referring to himself.

    If he weren't so "full of it", maybe he's have better success with a toilet.

    Granted, low flow devices can be a bit annoying at times, but wasting resources isn't the answer.  According to the CPC, almost no place in the US hasn't had a time in the past 10 years when they weren't in some stage of drought, or were a least abnormally dry.
    trumps statement about water flowing out to sea unused is also ludicrous.  He used that same "logic" when he complained about california's drought. 
    1. - It is impossible to capture every drop of rain.. unless he intended to make the entire US one big lake.  That invalidates his statement right there.
    2. - Captured water must be made potable before it can flow to the public.  Does he think that rain simply falls directly into people's taps?  
      December 9, 2019 10:59 AM MST

  • 46117
    There are ZERO people that agree with this jerk.   You either have a job he can fire you for or you don't agree and think he is NUTS.  No one agrees with a word.  

    Why is this absolute idiot talking about plumbing anyway????? This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 9, 2019 11:57 AM MST
      December 9, 2019 11:10 AM MST

  • 10795
    Maybe while he was tweeting he dropped his phone in the toilet?
      December 9, 2019 11:58 AM MST

  • 6023
      December 9, 2019 1:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    He has an obsession with dung apparently. Little boys who play with their poop move on to play with dirtier ickier yuckier things. He has so idea how ludicrous he is and his defenders? Hopeless. Seriously defending him when he talks flushes and toilets. This is where his mind lives. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday Shuhak.
      December 10, 2019 1:47 AM MST

  • 44752
    I have to flush it ten times to flush down all the barf I make when I see his face or here him speak.
      December 9, 2019 11:46 AM MST

  • 46117
    I'd give you Asker's Pick, but I don't have that prompt for some reason.  AM glitch right now.  Oh wait.  This ain't my question. LOL  This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 9, 2019 3:30 PM MST
      December 9, 2019 11:48 AM MST

  • 44752
    Only the asker has that option.
      December 9, 2019 3:30 PM MST

  • 113301
    I hit MUTE and leave the room. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thy! :)
      December 10, 2019 1:48 AM MST