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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Rudy came back from somewhere. Haven't talked to him about what he found. He wants to report to Congress and the AG." Believe it?

"Rudy came back from somewhere. Haven't talked to him about what he found. He wants to report to Congress and the AG." Believe it?

The day that donjohn doesn't know where rudy is or what he found out will be the day that donjohn wears a bathing suit. The other preposterousity that donjohn tried to float was that he heard rudyg found out a lot. He "heard" from whom since he hasn't talked to rudyg. Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Y'all believe donjohn no matter he says don'tcha?

Posted - December 9, 2019


  • 46117
    Has Rudy Guiliani said one helpful thing since he got his insane face on camera?  Now he is going to suddenly turn into the HERO?  OH SURE.  He is going to compound and clog up the investigation.  That is all he is going to do.  He is a MORON.  He is the laughing stock of all the news shows including FOX his home base.  They just stare at him when he talks.  DUMBFOUNDED.

    So now?  What is he gonna do?  Who is he going to submit this big revealing report TO?  He is not even a government official.  He's Trump's fake personal lawyer.  He has no clout.  He is going to get Trump impeached.  And Trump is too stupid to realize.  Because Guiliani is the BEST Trump has to offer. 

    Look at the REST of that bunch?  Who is not an outright criminal already?  
      December 9, 2019 8:36 AM MST